Package 'slap'

Title: Simplified Error Handling
Description: Alternative to using withCallingHandlers() in the simple case of catch and rethrow. The `%!%` operator evaluates the expression on its left hand side, and if an error occurs, the right hand side is used to construct a new error that embeds the original error.
Authors: Romain François [aut, cre], [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Romain François <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 2024.4.1.9000
Built: 2024-12-28 02:37:30 UTC

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Slap Operator


Slap Operator


expr %!% message

expr %!!% message



An expression or quosure to evaluate carefully


A message meant to be formatted by cli::cli_bullets() or a function.


If expr succeeds, its result is returned.

When expr generates an error, the ⁠%!%⁠ and ⁠%!!%⁠ operators catch it and embed it in a new error thrown by cli::cli_abort().

If message evaluates to a character vector, it is used as the message argument of cli::cli_abort().

If message evaluates to a function, the function is called with one argument: the caught error from evaluating expr.

When the current environment has an error_call object, it is used as the call argument of cli::cli_abort().


# g() throws an error
g <- function() {

# h() catches that error and embed it in a new error
# with "bam" as its message, the g() error as the parent error,
# and the caller environment as call=
h <- function(error_call = rlang::caller_env()) {
  g() %!% "bam"

# f() will be used as the error call
f <- function() {

# Error in `f()`:
# ! bam
# Caused by error in `g()`:
# ! ouch
tryCatch(f(), error = function(err) {
  print(err, backtrace = FALSE)